Informasi organisasi sangat penting untuk kelangsungan hidup, dan karena itu penting untuk memastikan bahwa informasi ini diawetkan dengan aman sehingga selalu tersedia pada permintaan. Menjaga cadangan informasi organisasi Anda perlu sehingga Anda selalu dapat memulihkan data dalam kasus itu akan hilang. Sebuah penyimpanan cadangan biasanya disimpan sebagai salinan dari informasi yang tersimpan yang secara aktif digunakan dalam organisasi, dan HP LTO 6 adalah pilihan yang akan memberikan solusi yang Anda butuhkan.
LTO Ditetapkan
Linear Tape-Open adalah teknologi penyimpanan yang rekaman berbasis dan memiliki format terbuka. Format terbuka berarti bahwa hal itu memungkinkan untuk beberapa sumber dari produk yang menyimpan data agar kompatibel dengan satu sama lain. Karena format terbuka, LTO telah dilisensi oleh banyak organisasi yang didirikan di industri penyimpanan. Ini berarti Anda dapat memilih dari berbagai macam cartridge dan tape drive yang kompatibel.
LTO Kemajuan Teknologi
Teknologi LTO pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 2000 dengan generasi pertama dari KPP. Generasi berikutnya kemudian diperkenalkan secara berkala, dan setiap generasi datang dengan kapasitas dan kecepatan transfer yang lebih tinggi. Dengan setiap generasi baru, fitur baru juga ditambahkan untuk memastikan data yang lebih terlindungi. Itu diperlukan bahwa setiap generasi baru adalah sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan generasi yang datang sebelum. Oleh karena itu, HP LTO 6 dapat membaca dan menulis LTO 5 cartridge, dan juga dapat membaca LTO 4 cartridge.
Karakteristik LTO
Salah satu karakteristik dari KPP adalah write-sekali yang, baca-banyak (WORM) kemampuan yang berarti bahwa data Anda tidak dapat ditimpa, dihapus atau diubah. Enkripsi data juga merupakan aspek penting dari KPP; memastikan privasi dan keamanan data Anda ketika disimpan dalam kaset dan selama transportasi dari kartrid. HP LTO 6 memungkinkan data yang akan dikompresi terlebih dahulu sebelum dienkripsi sehingga kapasitas kaset dimaksimalkan. Partisi adalah fitur yang ditemukan pada generasi terbaru dari KPP thath memastikan kontrol yang efisien dari file dan manajemen ruang melalui sistem file rekaman linear (LTFS).
Teknologi LTO sekarang dalam generasi ke-6-nya, yang telah diperkenalkan pada tahun 2012. kapasitas penyimpanan Its data terkompresi adalah maksimum 2,5 terabyte (TB) dan ketika data dikompresi, kapasitas penyimpanan maksimum 6,25 TB. Rasio kompresi data terkompresi adalah 2,5: 1 untuk KPP generasi keenam. Ini merupakan peningkatan dari 2: 1 rasio kompresi dari generasi sebelumnya. Tingkat transfer ketika menulis data terkompresi adalah 160 MB / s, sedangkan kecepatan transfer saat menulis data terkompresi adalah 400 MB / s. LTO 6 menggabungkan write-sekali, baca-banyak (WORM) kemampuan, serta enkripsi data dan partisi melalui sistem file rekaman linear (LTFS).
HP LTO 6 kaset ditentukan sesuai dengan jumlah track, panjang pita dan kepadatan rekaman. Kaset biasanya memiliki satu juta melewati daya tahan seumur hidup. Sebuah lulus mengacu setiap kali rekaman itu berubah arah. Backup Oleh karena itu dapat memiliki seribu melewati atau lebih, dan ini akan tergantung pada jumlah data yang ditulis. Dead Trigger Mod APK
Rabu, 20 Januari 2016
Selasa, 19 Januari 2016
New app can help doctors predict preterm birth risk
Another application that uses a calculation could help specialists to better recognize ladies at danger of conceiving an offspring rashly, researchers say.
Quipp, created by specialists at King's College London, was tried in two investigations of high-hazard ladies being checked at risk natal facilities.
The application utilizes a calculation which joins the incubation of past pregnancies and the length of the cervix with levels of fetal fibronectin to characterize a lady's danger.
The primary study concentrated on ladies regarded to be at high danger of preterm conception, for the most part as a result of a past right on time pregnancy, notwithstanding not demonstrating any side effects.
The second study anticipated the probability of right on time conveyance in a gathering of ladies indicating side effects of ahead of schedule work which regularly does not advance to genuine work.
In the first study, scientists gathered information from 1,249 ladies at high hazard for pre-term conception going to pre-term observation centers. The model was created on the initial 624 back to back ladies and accepted on the consequent 625.
The evaluated likelihood of conveyance before 30, 34 or 37 weeks' development and inside of two or four weeks of testing for fetal fibronectin was computed for every patient and dissected as a prescient test for the real event of every occasion.
In the second study, information from 382 high-hazard ladies was gathered. The model was produced on the initial 190 ladies and approved on the staying 192.
In both studies, the application was found to perform well as a prescient device, and much better than every segment (past pregnancy, cervical length or fetal fibronectin) taken alone.
Overall 15 million infants are conceived preterm (before 37 weeks) every year and over a million of these pass on of rashness related confusions, scientists said.
Various variables are utilized to figure out whether a lady is at danger of conceiving an offspring rashly, including a past filled with preterm births or late premature deliveries.
Two further elements which specialists can consider are the length of cervix and levels of a biomarker found in vaginal liquid known as fetal fibronectin, which are ordinarily tried from 23 weeks.
The analysts have further built up the fetal fibronectin test to be precisely utilized from the first 50% of pregnancy.
"In spite of advances in pre-birth mind the rate of preterm conception has never been higher lately, incorporating into the US and UK, so specialists need solid methods for anticipating whether a lady is at danger of conceiving an offspring early," said Andrew Shennan from King's College.
"It can be hard to precisely survey a lady's danger, given that numerous ladies who show manifestations of preterm work don't go ahead to convey early," he included.
The discoveries were distributed in the diary Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.Airbus, Uber group up for on-interest helicopter rides.
Quipp, created by specialists at King's College London, was tried in two investigations of high-hazard ladies being checked at risk natal facilities.
The application utilizes a calculation which joins the incubation of past pregnancies and the length of the cervix with levels of fetal fibronectin to characterize a lady's danger.
The primary study concentrated on ladies regarded to be at high danger of preterm conception, for the most part as a result of a past right on time pregnancy, notwithstanding not demonstrating any side effects.
The second study anticipated the probability of right on time conveyance in a gathering of ladies indicating side effects of ahead of schedule work which regularly does not advance to genuine work.
In the first study, scientists gathered information from 1,249 ladies at high hazard for pre-term conception going to pre-term observation centers. The model was created on the initial 624 back to back ladies and accepted on the consequent 625.
The evaluated likelihood of conveyance before 30, 34 or 37 weeks' development and inside of two or four weeks of testing for fetal fibronectin was computed for every patient and dissected as a prescient test for the real event of every occasion.
In the second study, information from 382 high-hazard ladies was gathered. The model was produced on the initial 190 ladies and approved on the staying 192.
In both studies, the application was found to perform well as a prescient device, and much better than every segment (past pregnancy, cervical length or fetal fibronectin) taken alone.
Overall 15 million infants are conceived preterm (before 37 weeks) every year and over a million of these pass on of rashness related confusions, scientists said.
Various variables are utilized to figure out whether a lady is at danger of conceiving an offspring rashly, including a past filled with preterm births or late premature deliveries.
Two further elements which specialists can consider are the length of cervix and levels of a biomarker found in vaginal liquid known as fetal fibronectin, which are ordinarily tried from 23 weeks.
The analysts have further built up the fetal fibronectin test to be precisely utilized from the first 50% of pregnancy.
"In spite of advances in pre-birth mind the rate of preterm conception has never been higher lately, incorporating into the US and UK, so specialists need solid methods for anticipating whether a lady is at danger of conceiving an offspring early," said Andrew Shennan from King's College.
"It can be hard to precisely survey a lady's danger, given that numerous ladies who show manifestations of preterm work don't go ahead to convey early," he included.
The discoveries were distributed in the diary Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.Airbus, Uber group up for on-interest helicopter rides.
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